Shocking and unbelievable life of the Facebook prodigy

Most of the people in this world relate success with monetary gains. Even I used to consider success as being financially strong. What I didn’t know was that success is to fulfil your own purpose or to die working for it. Then I came across the life of the founder of Facebook, Mr Mark Zuckerberg, and my belief got firm. Now I want everyone to know that being rich should not be your purpose. Most of the people who became self-made billionaires were not following money but they were resolute to achieve their purpose. To prove my point I will give you highlights of the modest lifestyle of Mark Zuckerberg whose current net worth is $63.7 Billion.  Wow! Now that’s huge.

He wears the same T-shirt every day to work

Unreal! No it’s actual. He has a wardrobe full of grey T-shirts and blue jeans. The clothes he wears are not even branded. Even then he has and had no shame to wear the same thing every day. In winters his outfit is only accompanied by a black hoodie. He doesn’t wear any expensive watches or accessories. Just a wedding ring and that’s it!


He takes a salary of $1 every year

Despite being the CEO of the company, he takes home a salary of $1 every year. This shows his disinterest in the profit or money that the company earns. He is just concerned with the purpose of Facebook, which is to make the world more connected. He lives his life by selling his shares from the company, which dwindles his ownership percentage from the company. He just don’t care.


He donates 99% of his Facebook shares

On the birth of his daughter, Max, he announced to commit 99% of his Facebook stock for the betterment of the world so that the next generation could benefit from it. He has formed Chan Zuckerberg initiative to pursue his goals all around the world. That’s a lot. Thanks Mark!


He drives inexpensive models of cars

Always using economical cars for daily commute, he has been seen driving Volkswagen, Honda and Acura TSX. These cars are mostly purchased by the middle class and are also common in the third world countries.  He has never been near a sports car. Oh my God! Is he really a billionaire?


He doesn’t party around but still play

Unlike other billionaires he’s never spotted entering a night club or a disco ever. Instead he engages in healthy activities and hobbies. In 2016, he completed his year of running physical challenge in which he ran 365 miles in different cities of the world. In free time he read books and shares about them. Seriously! His Mama must be so proud!


Are you in a state of disbelieve? No problem I was too when I came to know. Nothing cliché is present in this billionaire’s lifestyle. He defies all the odds. We should learn a lesson from Mark’s life and should reflect upon ours. As I told earlier, success is relative to a person, but the stereotypes and norms of this world make it absolute for us. So plan your life according to yourself and scuffle for your target. Start now!

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